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World Health Day
17 Apr

World Health Day

To make people aware of the advantages of being well, World Health Day is celebrated worldwide. It is necessary to make individuals aware that health is wealth. We need to recognize that wellbeing is an important component of our lives. Keeping yourself healthy,
Stress Awareness Month
14 Apr

Stress Awareness Month

The first step is discussing what stress is, understanding how it can affect the body. Then discuss strategies and tips for dealing with stress and most importantly, how you create and keep a sense of community. When we look at how stress impacts us one thing we
Coronal Polishing Course: What You Need to Know Before You Enroll
11 Apr

Coronal Polishing Course: What You Need to Know Before You Enroll

Are you looking for a way to take your dental assisting or dental hygiene career to the next level? A coronal polishing certification might be the perfect option for you. In this article, we’ll take a look at the basics of coronal polishing and the potentia
The Importance of CPR and First Aid Training: Why Everyone Should Learn These Life-Saving Skills
11 Apr

The Importance of CPR and First Aid Training: Why Everyone Should Learn These Life-Saving Skills

Imagine being in a situation where someone you love has stopped breathing or has been severely injured. How would you react? It doesn’t matter if it happens to an old family friend, a stranger on the street, or your child – nobody wants to feel helple